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Poing 2.1 manual 15-Oct-94
Short Description
Poing 2.1 is a horizontal breakout clone with some nice touches.
This is a bugfixed and enhanced version of poing 2.0.
Long description
Awl right, this program is freely distributable, not public domain.
No commercial profit may be made of this product without explicit
permission of the author.
Poing 2.0 was somewhat buggy with a memtrashing bug that could hit
any task. Poing 2.1 has some bugs fixed but I can't guaranty that
it's 100% percent safe now. I.a.w: use this program on your risk.
Whatz next... Ah, changes from 2.0 to 2.1. Weeeelll, mostly cosmetic
additions. Real drum samples this time, twice the amount of drum patterns,
visualisation of the drum channels (useless but fun). Some bugfixes and
minor adjustments.
Stars and bonusses need some explanation:
The more stars you collect, the better:
- the bricky tiles break.
- the (ahem) lasershow on the bottom of screen performs.
- star bonusses can be scored.
A star bonus scores 100 points for the first star, 110 for the second,
120 for the third and so on. These points are scored as bonus points.
A starbonus is rewarded in the following cases:
- Whenever you hit a starbonus-tile (double arrow up).
- After loosing the last ball. In this case collected_stars is
reset to 0 (just in case the achieved bonus is enough for a free ball).
- Should you ever reach 20 stars, then
- The star bonus is collected.
- The number of collected stars is reset to 0.
- The bonus value is doubled.
Extra ball at 20,000 points btw. The computer at every 10,000. That's
fair :-)
If the bonus multiplier reaches 10 then:
- The bonus (x10) is collected.
- The bonus multiplier is reset to 1.
- The bonus value is doubled.
Some words on the music. Poing 2.1 has 2 channels with drums music.
The drumtracks are selected at random from a set of 32. That's 1024
combinations. Most of the drumpattenrs have a rock-feel, but there
are also some latin, clave-only and mostly silent tracks.
If you think in 16th notes most patterns have a 4/4 beat. Some
tracks however are intentionally different:
- 1 track with a 6/8 shuffle rockbeat.
- 1 track with a 6/8 clave patern.
- 1 track with a 12/8 shuffle rockbeat.
- 1 track with a 2/2 rockbeat.
- 1 track with a 8/8 rockbeat.
These tracks produce an occasional poly-rhythmical effect. 31 tracks
have a length of 8 bars. The remaining track has only 4 bars. This one
shifts the left/right sync every now and then.
BTW, the snaredrum, bassdrum, hi-hat and claves are real samples. All
other sounds are realtime synthesized.
Some handy keys:
numeric pad Enter Toggle PAL/NTSC /* historical feature */
numeric pad + drag screen down
numeric pad - drag screen up
s toggles sound (drums) on/off
Esc exit
Paul van der Valk
Fido: 2:281/614.3